Arabic iPhone SMS Application

Version 2.2

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to get updates & news

Last Update: 26 Nov 2007


Menu screenshot    Arabic SMS screenshot


  1. Install the following from AppTapp Installer on your iPhone:
    • Sources > Community Sources.
    • System > BSD Subsystem.
    • Network > Apache.
    • Development > PHP.

  2. Follow the instructions here to configure Apache for PHP support. Alternatively, you can use my files:
    • Download my working files from here: Apache PHP Config.
    • Copy the file profile to /etc/
    • Copy the file httpd.conf to /private/etc/httpd/
    • Either restart your iPhone or execute the command: apachectl restart

  3. Copy the file sqlite3 to /usr/bin

  4. Download the font file arialuni.ttf that contains Arabic letters, extract it from the ZIP archive, and then copy it to
    /System/Library/Fonts/Cache/ replacing the existing one.

  5. Copy the folder arabicsms to /Library/WebServer/Documents/

  6. Copy the folder to /Applications/
    This step will install an icon to launch the application.
    You can skip it and manually point Safari browser to (No Internet connection is required).

  7. Copy the file config.xml to /Library/WebServer/

  8. Follow this link to learn how to modify directory/file permissions on iPhone
    Now, modify the permissions for following files & directories using one of these methods:
    1. Give permission of 755 to the following files:
      • /usr/bin/sqlite3
      • /Applications/
      And permission of 777 to the following directory/file:
      • /private/var/root/Library/SMS
      • /private/var/root/Library/SMS/sms.db
      And permission of 711 to the following directory:
      • /private/var/root/Library/AddressBook
      And permission of 666 to the following file:
      • /Library/WebServer/config.xml

    2. Alternatively, you can execute the following commands using ssh client or from Terminal application on iPhone:
      • chmod +x /usr/bin/sqlite3
      • chmod +x /Applications/
      • chmod +rwx /private/var/root/Library/SMS
      • chmod +rwx /private/var/root/Library/SMS/sms.db
      • chmod +x /private/var/root/Library/AddressBook
      • chmod +w /Library/WebServer/config.xml

  9. That's all, you should find ArabicSMS icon in iPhone Home. Just tap it & have fun. No Internet connection (Wi-Fi/EDGE) is required.

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Contact Me

You can contact me by email: mem(at)mem9(dot)net

I will try to respond as soon as possible. However, due to large amount of emails, please be patient.


In this development, I have used php running over local Apache web server along with sqlite3 to read and present SMS messages. I have developed a javascript function to re-arrange and replace each and every Arabic letter with the appropriate form of the letter. The result is a local web application on iPhone that reads SMS messages and supports Arabic language with connected letters and right-to-left direction.

Thanks to Erica Sadun for providing sqlite3 ported for iPhone. Visit Erica's Website.

Thanks to Knox for the great and easy-to-use iPhone template. I have used this template for my application to give native iphone application look and feel. Visit Knox iPhone Template website.


This application has been tested on firmwares 1.0.2, 1.1.1, & 1.1.2 and it showed no problems. However, install and use it at your own risk.